Athlete Monitoring: Where to even begin

There are so many tools out there, so many companies, so many ways to monitor our athletes. Sometimes its hard to know where to even begin.


  • First and most importantly all parties who will be involved need to be on the same page. Sport Coaches, Performance Staffs, Sports Medicine, Front Office or Administration staff. If these individuals are not bought in, the athletes never will be. This can be part of the cultural and budget piece to the puzzle as well.

  • Secondly you need to know what your question is. What problem are you trying to answer?

    • How are athletes tolerating the loads being placed on them? – This is a wellness / fatigue / adaptation question

    • What are the specific demands for our style of play / our conference? – This is a training data question

  • Third, who will be overseeing your monitoring processes, the data, and giving their professional advice on what the information is telling you.

  • For the amount of money you have to spend, you then need to decide is the money better spent on wearable technology that you may not have or personnel that you may not have.


Our money is always on personnel.