
Testimonial 3 - Amber

“I had the pleasure of working with both Cat Wade and Griffin Waller. I am a certified athletic trainer with 12 years at the division 1 level. This staff was one of the best I ever worked with. They have a strong science base and are very well researched. They are a vital key to team/athlete success. As an athletic trainer their collaboration was integral and highly valued in all of the return to play for injured athletes. I would strongly recommend utilizing them!”

- Amber Markey, Sports Medicine Professional

Testimonial 2 - Loo

“Being a high level collegiate athlete, I found training with coach Cat to be very beneficial to my development. It was awesome to have a coach that not only pushed our physical strength and conditioning, but also placed a focus on our daily wellness and constantly changing stresses and workloads of life. By monitoring each of us with data such as heart rate, VJ, minutes played, stress toleration, sleep, academic loads, etc. we could literally view the changes to ourselves on a day to day basis. This helped me take responsibility for my own training and performance because I could see the direct correlation of my output levels in comparison to how well I took care of myself on and off the court. By doing the questionnaire, testing, and monitoring, I was provided with concrete data that gave me something to strive for or weak areas that I needed to improve. I found it really cool that coach Cat could look at our data for the day, or week, and give us completely different lifting or running sessions based on how much we could tolerate. For me personally, this allowed me to keep running and lifting at higher intensities, even through season, because that is what my individual body needed. Some of my teammates bodies would need something much lighter or maybe just foam rolling on the same day. This allowed each of us to improve ourselves while maintaining our health by paying attention to our bodies. Even though basketball is a team sport, everyone was treated as an individual because each body reacts differently. Seeing coach Cat put this into action and being able to ask any questions we wanted, really helped me learn more about my body and how it works and performs at its best.”

-Kaylie Van Loo, Team Athlete